Antepartum Fetal Surveillance

          -> acidemia -> FHR pattern, activity level, and muscular tone
          -> diminished renal perfusion -> oligohydramnios
-To predict fetal hypoxemia or acidemia.
-It does not predict acute, catastrophic changes such as placental abruption or placental cord accidents.
-Does not predict severity or duration of abnormality
-Highly reassuring: Low false negative rate – a normal test means the chance of a stillbirth in the next ~1wk is unlikely
-When corrected for congenital anomalies and unpredictable (acute) causes, rates are between 0.3 (CST) and 1.9 (NST) /1000.
-Observed lower rates of fetal death vs untested (and presumably lower-risk) as well as historical controls.
            -No good RCTs because you can’t randomize someone to no surveillance

1)   Indications
a.     Maternal
                                               i.     cHTN, DM, AMA, SLE/APAS, Hyperthyroidism, CRD, Hemoglobinopathies, Cyanotic heart disease, previous fetal demise
b.     Fetal
                                               i.     Growth Restriction, Decreased FM, TTTS or significant growth discrepancy
c.      Pregnancy-related   
                                               i.     PreE, gHTN, gDM, oligo, late/postterm pregnancy, isoimmunization
2)   Fetal Surveillance Techniques
a.     Maternal-Fetal Movement Assessment “Kick Counts”
                                               i.     Decrease in perception of movements may precede death, sometimes by days
                                              ii.     Optimal regimen not established
1.     10 movements over 2 hrs
2.     1hr x3/wk to establish baseline, then compare to it
b.     Non-Stress Test (NST)
                                               i.     FHR of fetus that is not acidotic or neurologically depressed will temporarily accelerate
                                              ii.     Position patient with head of bed elevated 30 degrees or lateral recumbent position
                                            iii.     Monitor for 20min at a minimum, but may require 40min to account for sleep-wake cycles
1.     Vibroacoustic stimulation is valid
a.     Reduces frequency of nonreactive NST by 40% and overall testing time by ~7min without compromising test
b.     Applied 1-2 seconds; may be repeated up to 3 times up to 3 seconds each
                                            iv.     Results
1.     Reactive
a.     >=2 accels in 20min
2.     Non-reactive
a.     <2 accels in 40min
3.     Non-reassuring
a.     Repetitive decelerations: a/w increased risk of nonreassuring intrapartum FHR patterns or fetal demise
c.      Biophysical Profile (BPP)
                                               i.     NST plus ultrasound; 30 minutes to complete.
1.     Fetal breathing movements
a.     Rhythmic breathing episode >30s
2.     Movements
a.     >=3 discrete body/limb movements
3.     Tone
a.     >=1 episode of flexion/extension
4.     Amniotic Fluid Assessment
a.     MVP <2cm is considered oligohydramnios, and should also prompt investigation
                                                                                                     i.     AFI <5cm also oligohydramnios
                                                                                                    ii.     MVP is a/w reduction in unnecessary interventions without increase in adverse perinatal outcomes
5.     NST
                                              ii.     Results: Out of 10; each category 2pts each
1.     8 or 10: Normal
2.     6: Equivocal
3.     0-4: Abnormal
d.     Modified Biophysical Profile
                                               i.     NST plus amniotic fluid assessment
                                              ii.     Results
1.     Normal: Both reactive NST and MVP³2cm
e.     Contraction Stress Test (CST)
                                               i.     Fetal oxygenation is transiently worsened by ctx; if fetus not well oxygenated à late decels
                                              ii.     Place patient lateral recumbent position
                                            iii.     Adequate contractions ³3 ctx >40s /10min
1.     Induced via nipple stimulation or IV oxytocin
                                            iv.     Results
1.     Unsatisfactory: <3ctx in 10min, or uninterpretable tracing
2.     Negative: no late or variable decels
3.     Equivocal: decels that occur during tachysystole (>ctx/2min) or prolonged ctx >90s
4.     Equivocal-Suspicious: Late decels <50% ctx, or significant variable decels
5.     Positive: Late decels >50% ctx (even if unsatisfactory)
                                              v.     Contraindications: Vaginal Delivery.
f.      Umbilical Artery Doppler Velocimetry
                                               i.     Pathophysiology: Poor placenta function and placental small artery obliteration à increased resistance à decreased in umbilical artery flow
1.     May become absent or reverse
                                              ii.     Measurement
1.     Common Indices
a.     S: Systolic flow; D: Diastolic flow; A: Average
b.     Systolic:Diastolic Ratio: S/D
c.      Resistance Index: S-D/S
d.     Pulsatility Index: S-D/A
                                            iii.     Use
1.     Evidence exists for use in growth restricted fetuses
2.     No evidence for use in fetus without growth restriction
                                            iv.     No benefit to other vessel measurements
1.     Middle cerebral artery
2.     Precordial venous system
3)   Frequency
a.     If indication for testing resolves, no further testing needed
b.     If persistent, repeat periodically
                                               i.     Typically weekly, although should be individualized as the optimal is unknown
c.      Growth Restriction
                                               i.     If growth is a concern, growth U/S q3-4wks appropriate
4)   Delivery considerations (if abnormal results on surveillance)   
a.     Factors
                                               i.     GA – Risk of neonatal complications
                                              ii.     Risk of fetal demise
                                            iii.     Severity of maternal condition
b.     False Positive: In one large center study, 60% of infants delivered for abnormal antepartum testing had no e/o short or long-term fetal compromise
5)   Management of Abnormal Results
a.     Consider context
                                               i.     May resolve if maternal condition improves
b.     Beware a positive test: Low PPV
                                               i.     Follow decreased FM with an NST, or a nonreactive NST with a BPP
1.     8-10: Reassuring
2.     6: >37+0, consider delivery; <37+0, repeat BPP in 24hrs
3.     0-4: usually indicated delivery is warranted
a.     If <32+0 individualize management and consider extended monitoring
                                              ii.     UA Dopplers
1.     Use only in growth restricted fetuses
2.     No good studies, recs:
a.     REDF: Delivery >32+0
b.     AEDF: Delivery >34+0
c.      If S:D ratio elevated, but diastolic flow present, may consider delivery >37+0
3.     IOL with continuous monitoring is acceptable
c.      Oligohydramnios
                                               i.     Assess if membranes have ruptured
                                              ii.     Otherwise uncomplicated, isolated and persistent oligohydramnios:
1.     Delivery at 36+0-37+0
2.     If <36+0, individualize.
a.     If not delivered, f/u amniotic fluid assessments, NSTs, fetal growth assessments.
Umbilical Artery Dopplers
In this graphic, the large upward peaks represent forward flow during systole. The troughs represent flow during diastole. In a normal fetus, with a normal placenta, there is forward flow during the fetal cardiac diastole (A). However, with a poor placenta causing increased resistance, there may be absent (B) or reversed (C) flow during diastole.
