Induction of Labor

Induction of Labor

IOL Criteria:
*Pregnancy: Placental abruption, Chorio, PreE, PROM, Postterm *Maternal: gHTN/cHTN, gDM, pulm/cardiac disease, APAS
*Fetal compromise: IUFD, IUGR, isoimmunization, oligo
                        *Pregnancy: Placenta previa, vasa previa, cord prolapse
*Maternal: Previous classical c-section, HSV lesions, h/o myomectomy entering endometrial cavity
                        *Fetal: Transverse lie

“Two-Stage Induction”: A slang phrase heard on L&D which refers to a patient whose labor induction requires two phases – a cervical ripening and a cervical dilatory phase.

Cervical Ripening:
            -Facilitate cervical softening, thinning, and dilating (makes it ‘favorable’)
            -Reduced failed induction rate, reduced induction to delivery time
*Prostaglandins (Misoprostol tab 25mcg intravaginally or sublingual)
-Dinoprostone insert or gel – the gel releases prostaglandin more rapidly
-Sublingual is less effective, but has less complications
-Higher doses may be a/w fever, N/V/D
*Mechanical (Foley Balloon)
            -Risks VB, displacement of presenting part
            -Inadequate data to support outpatient use
*Osmotic (Laminaria japonicum)
-Risks of increased peripartum infections

Labor Induction:
            -Begin uterine contraction, cause fetus to descend
                                    -Uterine response is related to GA
-Success associated with : decreased BMI, favorable cervix, increasing GA, greater parity
                        *Amniotomy (AROM)
                                    -If used alone, may result in delay onset of ctx’s
                                    -Unclear data on timing if GBS+
-Risk of cord prolapse/compression, chorio, rupture of vasa previa
-Contraindicated in HIV+, as time of ROM is an independent RF for vertical transmission

Outpatient Labor Initiation:
                        *Membrane Stripping
                                    -Increases likelihood of labor in next 48hrs
                                    -Risk of PROM, VB, pain; unclear data if GBS+
                        *Nipple Stimulation
                                    -Helpful if woman already has favorable cervix over 72hrs
                                    -A/w decreased risk of PPH
-In a systematic review, a/w increased trend in perinatal death; not recommended in unmonitored setting
                                    -Not helpful

Tachysystole: >5ctx/10min, avg over 30min
            -Always described with presence or absence of FHR decels
*Management of decels – maternal repositioning, oxygen, reducing dosing of induction agents (decreased pitocin rate, remove vaginal PG tab). Terbutaline or other tocolytics may be administered
-Can result in placental abruption, uterine rupture and fetal strip complications/hypoxia
Active Labor: >6cm dilation with contractions that are changing the cervix
Prolonged Latent Phase: 20hrs nullip, 14hrs multip
-Failed Induction of Labor – an Induction of Labor that was unable to get to the second stage (pushing)
Labor Arrest
            -First Stage (Cervical Dilation): 
-No cx change >4h w/ adequate ctx; >6h w/out adequate ctx
            -Adequate Ctx defined as Montevideo Units (MVU) >200
                        -Measured using IUPC, measuring 10min of ctx
-Calculate by subtracting baseline uterine tone from peak of ctx
            -Second Stage (Pushing):
                                    -Nulliparous:  >3h w/ epidural, >2h w/out
                                    -Multiparous: >2h w/ epidural, >1h w/out
                                    -Nulliparous:  >4h w/ epidural, >3h w/out
                                    -Multiparous: >3h w/ epidural, >2h w/out

PROM patients:
-IOL decreases time to delivery as well as rate of chorio, PP fevers, neonatal abx use; without an increase in c-section rate

            -Timing of delivery is not urgent
-Coagulopathies a/w prolonged fetal retention uncommon
            -2nd Trimester: D&E
                        -Limits ability to perform macroscopic autopsy
            -Later GA: May require IOL
                        - Miso 400mcg q6h intravaginal, Pitocin, Foley catheter
                        -C-section only for unusual circumstances

Cervical Dilation and Effacement. Image from
